Nick Garbett + Mike Majkowski. The Glider.
Ambient Electronic Jazz
Ambient Electronic Jazz
Ambient Electronic Jazz
Recorded in Kreuzberg Germany 6 Australians and a German native came together to make something quite special.
This EP of 7 songs over 38 mins is a heady sometimes trance like and rythmic gem. Including but not defined by elements of Afro, Ethio, latin, dub and fourth world elements.
Nick Garbett said in an interview with Cyclic defrost was initially inspired by Jon Hassel. Check out the full interview here (
And keep a look out for their second Album coming too!
Nick Garbett—trumpet
Johannes Schleiermacher—saxophones
Mike Majkowski—bass and synthesisers
Steve Heather—drums and percussion
Tony Buck—drums
Finn Ryan—drums
Matt Smith—guitar (track 3)
All pieces composed and produced by Nick Garbett and Mike Majkowski
Recorded by Juanfe Rehm at Tricone Studios, Funkhaus Berlin in January 2019.
Recorded by Sebastian Maschat and Daniel Nentwig at Butterama Studios, Neukölln Berlin in September 2019.
Mixed and mastered by Joe Talia, Kreuzberg Berlin in August 2020.
Artwork and design by Pat Harris. Cover photo by James Waples.